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The Lord gave Christine Vales a deep desire to serve and point others to Him just before the turn of the century.  It has been a beautiful journey and she is still discovering the gifts He planted in her - to use them to serve others and bring glory to Him.


​Christine and her husband, Carlos, began exploring the Hebrew roots of their Christian faith, Christine discovered the Lord’s prophetic calendar. The Lord began to stir her prophetic gift through understanding His appointed times and seasons as they were understood by His people and the need for them to be understood today.  After several years of studying and creating her own handwritten Hebrew/Gregorian calendar and journal, she sought to purchase one, but to no avail   She then began to understand the Lord was calling her as a teacher and that this would be her next assignment.


Christine created the first edition of “His Appointed Times: Hebrew/Gregorian Calendar & Journal” in 2017.  Soon after it’s release, the Lord prompted Christine to continue to  “feed His sheep.”  She then began postingChalkboard Teachingsand other encouragements on her website, Youtube and social media.  Her online teaching ministry began to blossom and continues to produce fruit worldwide.

Over the years, Christine has continued to develop and create annual editions of “His Appointed Times” as well as other prophetic resources. These prophetic tools have been used and enjoyed by many, including ministers Bill Yount, Lance Wallnau, Jen Mallan and Pastor Ray Bentley.  


Christine's articles on His times and seasons have also been published on  The Elijah List , Charisma Magazine and Spirit Fuel. 

Currently Christine and her husband are graduates of Charis Bible College and are blessed to be partners with Andrew Wommack Ministries.  The truths that Christine has learned through the study of God's word and receiving the baptism of the Holy Spirit has given her boldness and confidence in God's word.  She has also received a fresh revelation of the love of God and desires to share this essential truth of His love with others. The Lord has been equipping both, Christine and her husband to not only be students of His word but to be effective ministers and teachers of His word.  


Christine continues on to follow and fulfill His calling on her life, as she has since the beginning of her story and knows the best is yet to come for her and for all who are His.  Jer 29:11

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