01 evergreen
Hosea 14:8
All my hope for harvest- is coming quickly to an end
As my autumn turns to winter- before my eyes again
My dreams – they all keep falling- Like the leaves under my feet
Once so full of color- now they turned their back on me
But that’s not You- You’ve been there
Watching me through the breeze
You’re ever changing – never fading with Your love for me
You’re my evergreen- You never fade away
Though the seasons change- You remain the same
My evergreen- I’m gonna climb you to the top
And see all I can see- Cause You’re my- my evergreen
Now the sun shines through this forest- Right through the naked trees
And the shadows keep o shifting- but they cast no spell on me
Cause you have been shelter- reviving all my dreams
And You’re bringing back their color- that I thought I’d never see
Cause that’s just You- You’ve been here
Holding me in the breeze
You’re ever changing – never fading with Your love for me
I can’t stop the rain from fallin’ – no no no no no
I can’t stop the whirling wind- no no
But nothing can stop me from running- no no no no no
Into your arms again…..
Lyrics & Music Christine Vales
© 2005 Christine Vales
02 keep workin’ on me
Isaiah 29:16
I’m a work in progress
I’m a portrait yet undone
I am sculpture to be fired
I am artwork of the Son
But don’t listen to me
When I start to cry “Oh No”
And You chip away these pieces
Just keep workin’…
Keep workin’ on me (keep workin’ on me)
Just do what You have to do (have to do)
Keep workin’ on me (keep workin’ on)
‘Cause I know that You love me
Keep workin’- I’m trustin’ You
I’m a field wild with orchids
I’m a vineyard in the rain
I’m a weeping- weeping willow
I gotta cry
And I’m longing to bring shade
But don’t listen to me
When I start to cry “Oh No”
And You prune away these branches
Just keep workin’…
I know You finish what You start
(that’s what You say) That’s what You say
So I’ll keep holdin’ on as You restore my heart
Lyrics & Music Christine Vales
© 2005 Christine Vales
03 oh to be the moon
Psalm 19:1-3
Oh to be the moon
Is what I want to be
To be a mirror way up high
And to be the moon
I’d be set apart
Shining brightly
In a dark blue sky
To be a reflection
Of The Mighty One
To be a testimony
When we cannot see the sun- and
Shine Shine Shine
With a light that’s not my own
Down upon a world
That can’t live without You- and
Climb Climb Climb
Higher to become
A better image of the Son
Oh to be the moon
You illuminate my life
With the falling of Your rays
Into the craters of my heart
And through each phase of mine
You never leave me ‘lone
No, You guide me through the darkness
And Your light leads me home
I was so cold and lonely
My heart was hardening
But now I got Your Spirit in me
And all I can do is sing- and
Lyrics & Music Christine Vales
© 2005 Christine Vales
04 and she wonders
Romans 8:28
She wakes up in the mornin’- gets ready to start her day
She wishes that she had more time to stop and pray
Distractions seem to take advantage of her mind
But she longs to sit and rest at the feet of Jesus all the time
And she wonders…why?
And she wonders…when?
And she wonders…how will this work out for the good in the end?
And she wonders…why?
And she wonders…when?
And she wonders…how will this work out for the good in the end?
Questions lurk inside her heart and answers that she longs to know
Oh-but little is the time that she makes to ask Him and she reaps what she sows
And the days keep turning over and over and the moments just slip away
And there’s nothin’ left to do but to blame herself for the mess that she’s made
Oh- and the questions keep spinning around in her head
But she never lays them down
They keep spinning around- in her head
Oh- but she never lays them down
She’s just to busy to pray
I say she never lays them down
She’s just to busy to talk to Him
Look – well I see that girl – she’s finally settlin’ down
She’s got that Book wide open– I can see her from here- and her head is down
Tears are flowing from her eyes- the tears are flowing down
They’re tears of sorrow and they’re tears of joy for The Hope that she’s found
And He whispers…“Don’t’ worry why- No No- Don’t worry when
‘Cause My plans for you work for the good in the end
Don’t worry why- Don’t worry when-
‘Cause My plans for you work for the good in the end
Just talk to Me- Just talk to Me-
‘Cause I’m waiting here never leave you won’t you talk to Me?
Oh- Just talk to Me- Oh won’t you talk to Me?-
Well I’m waiting here never leave you won’t you talk to Me?...yeah”
Lyrics & Music Christine Vales
© 2005 Christine Vales
05 princess
John 15:13
Once upon a time- not so long ago
There lived a princess but she didn’t know
Her heart was on earthy pleasures
And there was a King in the land
Who called upon her hand
His heart- was on heavenly treasures
And He saw who she could be
‘Cause He had the eyes to see
And He promised her royalty
And He made a princess- outta’ me
Well now- she had tattered clothes
And her shoes were full of holes- well
Her clothes- they wouldn’t storm the weather
No no no no no no
But He had- garments new
That were custom through and through
His robes- oh they’d never sever
And He knew me in the womb- oh
And He gave me - so much more than a silver spoon
And He had a plan for His bride- oh yeah
And He’d never stop- He’d lay down His life
I had no bed- no place to rest my head
But I dreamed of somethin’ better- oh well now
He had a home- a mansion for His own
In His house- we will live forever
‘Cause He saw who I could be
And He had the eyes to see
He promised me royalty
And He made a princess- outta’ me
Yeah- He made a princess outta’ me---oooh
Lyrics & Music Christine Vales
© 2005 Christine Vales