Chalkboard Chodesh IYAR
The Lord has led me to create
a chalkboard visual for each month.
I call it a "Chalkboard Chodesh."
I'm not sure is that is proper Hebrew...
but "Chodesh" means "month" and it has a nice ring to it :)
As you take in this visual for the month of IYAR,
take some time to consider and journal how His prophetic
characteristics of this month are manifesting in your life.
Has the Lord told you a secret?
Have you been counting the Omer?
Have you experienced Him as your Jehovah Rapha?
Have you been casting your cares upon Him in this month of the ox?
Can you testify that this month has been a month of transition and connecting?
The month of Iyar ends next Thursday, May 25th, at sundown.
Let us press into the Lord in this last week week of Iyar
and ask Him to help us number our days..
that He may give us a heart of wisdom.
Psalm 90:12
Shalom in Yeshua,
Christine Vales