SIVAN chalkboard kodesh

Above is my "Chalkboard Chodesh"
for this month of Sivan.
As we take in this visual for the month of Sivan,
may we take some time to consider and journal how His prophetic
characteristics of this month are manifesting in our lives.
In this month of provision, may we thank the Lord for how He is providing for us and ask Him how and what we can give to Him and others on our path.
This is also the business person's month.
May we listen for His strategies for our businesses and ministries.
In this month of Pentecost, may we also experience
a fresh filling of His revelation and Spirit.
This is also the month of the sword in the year of the sword.
May we allow Him to use His Word, The Sword of the Spirit, to cut away anything that is hindering us from moving forward and make our way clear.
I would love to hear your testimonies of His timing manifesting in your life.
If you feel led, please click here to email me.
Blessed to walk on with you....
especially in this month of continuous walking ;)
christine :)